Thursday, March 10, 2016

Trendsetter among celebrities

Trendsetter are usually been made by people with a high popularity. Rozita Che Wan is labeled as Malaysian's trendsetter as she has a lots of followers. Her life after her second's marriage make her more popular than before. After she deliver her baby  girl named Aaisyah Dhia Rana, more people follow her and her baby's on social media. Aaisya, a cute baby of Malaysian's celebrities Rozita CheWan and Zain Saidin being a trendsetter among babies and people tend to dress up their children like Aaisyah. Other celebrities like Awal Ashari, Fynn Jamal and Atita Haris also make their babies famous in social media. People will make the babies as the role model in children's fashion.

Aaisyah Dhia Rana, daughter of famous celebrities
source: myMetro 

1 comment:

  1. Yup. Sort of like the trendsetter usually will always starts with public figure esp celebrity. As far as i know, Korean celebrities always set their own fashion then later followed by their fans until it becomes trend. Absolutely agree on you!
